Friday, August 3, 2018

Week Four

Myth, Anthropology, Religion, and Philosophy 

The Renaissance: Epic, Romance, and Reformation, Part I

John Milton, from Paradise Lost: Opening Lines from Book I; from Book II: Satan, Sin, Death, Chaos… and the Universe

from Paradise Lost Book 1.1-330
from Paradise Lost Book 2.614-1055

 Paradise Lost, with notes.

"On the Morning of Christ's Nativity" (1629)  lines 165-236

Paradise Lost (twelve books; 7-8 and 11-12 were the original Books 7 and 10).

1.      Hell: Satan and his troops in defeat.
2.      Hell: the devil’s assembly and Satan’s journey.
3.      Heaven: Divine theology; the approach of Satan to Eden.
4.      Eden: Adam and Eve; Eve recounts her creation; Gabriel challenges Satan.
5.      Eden: Eve’s dream; the arrival of Raphael; Raphael’s narration of the revolt.
6.      Eden: Raphael continues: the Wart in Heaven.
7.      Eden: Raphael continues; the Creation.
8.      Eden: Raphael and Adam discuss astronomy; Adam recounts his creation.
9.      Eden: Temptation and Fall.
10.  Heaven: God sends his Son to Eden; Hell: Satan’s return; Eden: recriminations, followed by repentance.
11.  Heaven: God’s judgments; Eden: the arrival of Michael; the vision of history (up to Flood).
12.  Eden: The vision of history (Flood to Second Coming); Expulsion.

Source:  William Poole, Milton and the Making of Paradise Lost, Harvard UP, 2017. p.115

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